There are naturally occurring cooling and warming effects on the earth. Unfortunately, the natural warming effects can not really explain the current warming trend and the cooling effects (frightfully) are not enough to let the global average temperatures drop at the time.
Unfortunately, the natural warming effects can not explain the current warming trend at all, and the cooling effects, frightfully, are not enough to let the global average temperatures drop at the time. At the very least, they might still help us to delay Global Warming for a bit. Without these effects, we would have been overrun by Global Warming.
The sun is the primary heat source of our planet. And we like to think of the sun as a steady heat source, but that is not the case. The solar intensity is and always has slightly varied over the time of millions of years; this can be a critical factor of the change in earth’s general climate. UV rays, ozone, clouds and Cosmic rays are all things that influence the mean atmospheric temperature, as well. Nevertheless, the impacts of all of the above called are too small to justify the current rise in global average temperatures. If I were you, I would consider reading these two (NASA and UCSUSA) highly fascinating articles about the stimulating effects of aerosol particles on the climate. The aerosol particles are very significant because they have been said to have prevented over half of the warming that would have been caused by Human activity, giving us a head start to start thinking about some strategies ourselves. However, there is still a little problem left with the aerosol particles, and that would be that they are unevenly distributed over mother earth. That causes a cooling effect, which is only noticeable at a regional level.
Earth`s orbit
The axis rotation of the Earth
(The paragraph Volcanoes is based on this list of facts from National Geographic)Volcanoes
Forests and Deforestation
Sea Ice