About the Global-Change team.
We are a pocket-sized team consisting of three people. Luca Milan Neuhaus is the author and creator of this site. The web-designer and artist, Gudrun Bröckerhoff, helped immensely by designing the website and taking care of plugins and similar. Claudia Neuhaus, a biologist, transferred the original English texts into German translations. Together, we work in close cooperation on this website and do our best to produce interesting, personalized content for you.
Author and website
Luca M. Neuhaus is a German student who has no specialist opinion; nevertheless, he researched and read plenty about his topics. His work is entirely based on the work of others; furthermore, all the sources are stated! However, reading the original resources and studies is recommended. It may also be essential to note; some parts could have been personalized. However, he gives his best to always be as objective as possible. All the sections, which are based on his personal experience/opinion are marked through a specific word or sentence.
Why did we create this website?
We noticed that vast parts of the public are not entirely sure about what to believe in certain substantial scientific matters. But why is that? “Often, people were provided with false information or information which is not up to date by unreliable websites. Because, based on experience, it is generally harder to look for real scientific websites, which base their work on real studies,” Luca Neuhaus claims. He created this website to establish an easy access to scientific sources. Additionally, it may help the public(, especially other students) to obtain information from scientifically proven websites, which base their opinions on authentic scientific studies! Thereby, it may reduce the amount of false information.
What is our intention?
Our main intention is to educate. Luca Milan Neuhaus, personally, sees the ideal humankind, as an enlightened community, which respects each other, discusses and solves problems together. “There should not be one group of specialists, which has to clean up after the rest of the world; simply, as common sense suggests, that is too much to ask,” he indicates. He would like to see a world in which education exists in every single country. Therefore, it should be accessible to everyone. We want to help achieve this “idealistic human society”. Nonetheless, he thinks that “We still have an exceptionally long journey ahead of us if we do not knock ourselves out before we begin this journey.” Being able to see that our main intention is to raise awareness and educate.
About sources and source selection
We tried to rely only on scientific websites. We often depended on university studies, in addition to articles of big environmental organizations (for instance National Geographic)! We checked the reputation of every single one of them and took only those with excellent reputations into consideration. Furthermore, we analyzed the sources to reason and reviewed any contradictions that could be found. Simultaneously, we relied mostly on english-speaking sources. We want to emphasize that, if you feel that anyone of the sources did not fulfil the criteria, please do not hesitate to contact us via the given contact form. If you do so, you will have to state a justified reason. Please do assert your sources, which have to follow the criteria. Otherwise, we will not be able to ensure the reliability of your claim. May that be as is, we are incredibly confident in our source selection system. However, we do realize that we are human and appreciate every support we will be able to gain.
Picture Sources
Luca Milan Neuhaus is a hobby photographer and editor; therefore, most of the featured pictures on this website are his own.
All external links were last surveyed on the 14.09.2019.