In the past 150 years, we really lived on the cost of Mother Nature and as a result of this overuse of Nature has the environment changed.
We should have known that everything we do has consequences, and the effects of Global Warming are fatal!
But what did we do? It may not feel like we were damaging the earth. Regrettably, we did! More so, we did it in a way, that is more intense and subconscious than anybody could have been imagining. Through payment to individual big firms or through merely driving your car, we released tons of Carbon Dioxide and triggered Global Warming. All-in-all, we all burned indirectly (, or directly) vast amounts of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas). In addition, we pumped much methane into our atmosphere, due to livestock and similar. On top of that, we cut and burned down vast amounts of forests and trees, which could have been helping to minimize the effects of Climate Change.
It is utterly essential to keep in mind that whether or not you may or may not have known the above-called wrongdoings will not change the consequences.
We can see it, all over the world, there are humans at risk of losing their homes, as a cause of extreme flooding. The average global sea level has risen about 8 inches since 1880, and the sea level increase is accelerating rapidly. The Sea-level Rise is caused by the melting of glaciers and ice sheets and has already a massive impact on coastal regions all over the world. That leads to the destruction of hundreds of million houses, as many will be forced to flee from their home either further inland or to a nearby country. Unfortunately, many states currently do not have the infrastructure, money, or food to deal with an immigration problem, that big.
The reduction of earth’s oxygen
Less drinkable water and higher temperatures could make growing food and practising agriculture extremely difficult. Desperately, people will not only die from starvation and droughts, but also from the violence, which will come into existence by the mixture of famine and frustration. Hundreds of millions of people will have to be confronted by a 5% decrease in the growing season in the next 40 years. In some countries, children under five years will have to suffer from malnutrition, 50% more likely if they are born during a drought. If the temperature rises by 10 degrees Celsius, the bacterial growth in food will double. That will affect food safety in many ways.Global warming will cause an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events, such as heatwaves, droughts, storms, cyclones, hurricanes and floods. That could affect agriculture in many ways because these weather events could destroy the harvest, besides it could change the way humans get access to food.In spite of that, some countries could gain better access to food, if large snow regions are melting. Yet, we have to keep in mind if these regions become beneficial, Global Warming might have become unstoppable and strike on these regions in the long term. Agriculture